[Translate to English:] ASM HPA


Construction, delivery and other service providers are put out for tender on a national or Europe-wide scale by Hamburg Port Authority in line with the legal framework for the tendering process.

You can find current tenders on the following pages, as well as projects which have already been awarded. The filter function helps you to hone your search. 

For their electronic tenders, Hamburg Port Authority uses the e-tendering platform iTWO e-Vergabe public, provided by RIB Software AG.

The e-tendering platform allows for the management of the tendering process on a completely electronic basis. You can download the tender documents free of charge from here, provide offers and participation applications in digital form, as well as view submission protocols. 

Our contractual terms and conditions regarding orders for construction, delivery and other service providers can be viewed online and downloaded as a PDF. 

The current “Allgemeinen Vertragsbedingungen für die Ausführung von Bauleistungen VOB/B” and the “Allgemeinen Technischen Vertragsbedingungen für Bauleistungen VOB/C” can generally be referred to. For delivery and other services, please refer to the current “Allgemeinen Vertragsbedingungen für die Ausführung von Leistungen VOL/B”.

The above-mentioned terms and conditions are automatically a part of the tendering contract for construction, delivery or other service providers.

Additional contractual terms and conditions for the performance of construction services
General terms and conditions for engineers
General terms and conditions for engineering, architect, assessor and other service provider contracts
General terms and conditions for lecturer
Additional terms and conditions for the performance of services
Data protection purchasing
Codex supplier relationships
Security manual
Security card
Creation of deliveries and services which are relevant to energy consumption


The electronic tendering process is fast and easy:

1. Register once at https://www.vergabe.rib.de/bieter/

Note: Please do not use a personal email account if possible! Select the right package for you. All packages meet our requirements.

2. Log in using your username and password, which are activated shortly after registration.

3. After you have applied for a tender, you can download the tender documents free of charge and begin your internal tender process.

4. The submission of digital offers takes place conveniently in electronic text form or, if desired, encrypted with an electronic signature. The submission of offers in paper form continues to be possible for the time being. 

You can find additional information to the e-tendering process here.

[Translate to English:] Hamburg Hafen containerterminal


Hamburg Port Authority AöR

Ausschreibungsstelle EG Zimmer 20

Brooktorkai 1

20457 Hamburg



Tel.: +49 40 42847-3919 or 42847-2181

To personally hand in an offer, the opening times are:

Monday to Thursday,  von 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m

HPA on Instagram