Karsten Schönewald

Managing Director CEO

After many years at Deutsche Bahn AG, most recently in the management team of DB Netz AG in North Rhine-Westphalia, the graduate engineer and welding technology engineer came to the HPA at the end of 2009. He headed the Railway Technology Division and was responsible for the renewal and maintenance of the Hamburg Port Railway infrastructure. In 2016 he took over as Head of the HPA’s vessel fleet and was team leader on a project that developed a concept to manage Hamburg’s entire fleet of vessels. In July 2017, Karsten Schönewald was appointed Managing Director of the Flotte Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG. One of the focal points of his work is the development of a more eco-friendly fleet and innovative propulsion technologies.

Sandra Schaumann-Orth

Managing Director

Sandra Schaumann-Orth has held various management positions at the Hamburg Port Authority since 1988. After having been responsible for various cross-sectional tasks with a focus on finance and human resources for many years, the Graduate in Administration & Governance took over the management of the Human Resources Department in 2009. In this management function, she has, among other things, played a decisive role in all major organizational changes at the HPA and contributed significantly to the development of the HPA.

In August 2022, Sandra Schaumann-Orth was appointed Managing Director of Flotte Hamburg and leads the company alongside her management colleague Karsten Schönewald. One of the focal points of her activities is human resources and organizational management, where her expertise provides important impetus for the development of Flotte Hamburg.

Anke Lipp
Secretary's office
Tel. +49 40 42847 5297
E-Mail: GF-Flotte@hpa.hamburg.de


Flotte Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG
Neuer Wandrahm 4
20457 Hamburg
E-Mail: flotte@hpa.hamburg.de


Tel. +49 40 42847 2300
E-Mail: pressestelle@hpa.hamburg.de


Antonia Kuntze
Head of Fleet Service (Nautical Operations, Customer Management)
Phone +49 40 42847 5379
E-mail: antonia.kuntze@hpa.hamburg.de

Wolfgang Knupper
Head of Fleet Technology (Maintenance and Newbuild)
Phone +49 40 42847 1256
E-mail: wolfgang.knupper@hpa.hamburg.de

Team Hamburg Fleet

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